Announcement : 

We love learning at Onepoto School! If you want to join us call us on (09) 480 7469. Please report absences on the same number or via the KiwiSchools App.

School Board

The Board of Trustees is made up of parent representatives, an elected staff member and the Principal, all working together to govern our school. Members are elected for a three-year term. Meetings of the Board of Trustees are public meetings and held once a month on a Monday at 5pm. Please see the school calendar for meeting dates.

If you would like to communicate with the Board please address a letter to: Chairperson BOT Onepoto School 31 Fraser Avenue Northcote Auckland 0627 and hand it to the office staff or mail. Alternatively, you can email  


Tom Allen – Presiding Member

Alan Curtis 

Emma Alona

Linda Sullivan

William Puliuvea

Sandra Collings – Staff Representative

Daniella Latoa-Levi – Principal